Journals & Publications


The National Cooperative Union of India publishes two journals i.e. The Cooperator and Indian Cooperative Review.

The National Cooperative Union of India

The National Cooperative Union of India is the federal organisation of apex cooperative institutions in the country, both at the State and Inter­State level. Organised in 1929 as an association of State Cooperative Unions, mainly for providing a forum for exchanging information and sharing of experiences ill the field of cooperation through convening All-India cooperative conferences periodically, the Union has grown over the years into a full-fledged national organisation of cooperatives of all types.

The objectives of the Union are : to promote and develop the Cooperative Movement in India: to educate, guide and assist the people in their effort to build and expand the Cooperative Sector, and to serve as an exponent of cooperative opinion.

In furtherance of these objectives, the Union undertakes the programmes of cooperative member education, training of cooperative employees, research and evaluation of important cooperative problems, convening of National Cooperative Congress and Seminars, Publication of Literature and Journals and the task of representing the Indian Cooperative Movement in the National and International spheres.

The Cooperator

The Cooperator is an illustrated monthly of cooperative news and views. It provides an open forum for the discussion of all facets of the Cooperative Movement in India as well as overseas. It carries such regular features as Success Story, Cooperation Abroad, From the States, News & Views, Cooperative Law etc., and attempts to provide a regular communication channel in the world of cooperation.
Annual Subscription    : Rs.1000/­

Single Copy                  : Rs.100/­

Life Subscription         : Rs.7,000/-

The Indian Cooperative Review

The Indian Cooperative Review, peer-reviewed quarterly, carries articles of high quality on noteworthy trends in the Cooperative Movement in India. It seeks to present an objective assessment, based on research and study, of the functioning of the different sectors of the cooperative movement and of various programmes in operation. The objective of the Review is to assist in the evolution of sound policies-for the progress of the cooperative movement as a whole.
Annual Subscription    : Rs.1,000/­

Life Subscription         : Rs.7,000/-
Besides this NCUI Publishes two journals
(i)    The Cooperator (Monthly)
Annual charges
(i)    Indian Cooperative Review, (Quarterly)
Annual charges
For copies, please write to :  Executive. Director (Publications)
National Cooperative Union of India
3, Siri Institutional Area, August Kranti Marg, New Delhi-110016
E-mail :        Website :


(Prices are exclusive of postage charges)
Right to Information Act and Cooperative Law 
(High Court Judgement) by R. Muralidharan
Cooperatives Surge Ahead… (Tales of Success and Achievement) 
Hundred Years of Cooperative Development in India 
Selected Case Studies and Success Stories of Cooperatives
Analytical Study of Primary Agricultural Cooperative
Societies in India (2000-01 to 2005-06)
Analytical Study of Primary Agricultural Cooperative
Societies in India (1960-61 to 1999-2000)
State-wise Study of Consumer Cooperatives
in India (1960-61 to 1988-89)
Analytical Study of Marketing Cooperatives
in India (1960-61 to 1990-91)
Ends and Means of Cooperative Development by S.S. Puri 
Democracy in Cooperative Movement
An Indian Profile by Dr. R.C. Dwivedi
Supreme Court on Cooperative Law (1961-87) 
Supreme Court and High Courts on Cooperative Law 1998–2000 
Indian Cooperative Laws vis-a-vis Cooperative Principles (Hindi)
 by P.E. Weeraman, R.C. Dwivedi and P. Sheshadri
Survey of Agricultural Cooperative Credit Societies
in Mauritius by Dr. M.P. Saxena 
Human Resource Development through Cooperative  
Extension by Dr. M.P. Saxena
Mahatma Gandhi and Cooperative Movement by B.K. Sinha 
In-Service Training Programme for Managers of Agricultural Marketing Cooperatives